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来源:hbjyj       点击数:236      更新时间:2025-01-20

1、Good Doctors Are Good Communicators【好医生是好的沟通者】

“Being a good listener is critical to being a good doctor,” saysDr. John Madden, an Emergency Physician and Director of the Office of Career Guidance and Student Development at St. George’s University (SGU) School of Medicine. “Patients will tell you what’s wrong if you just let them speak.”


"Being a good listener is critical to being a good doctor."


Physicians often rush to interrupt patients in about seventeen seconds, Dr. Madden explains. But if they’d just sit back and listen to what their patients reveal, they may find the answer they’re looking for. After all, good communication isn’t just for being friendly with patients. It’s also a vital skill for doctors to understand their patients’ concerns and explain a diagnosis


"They should help their patients feel empowered to improve their own health."


Dr. Lisa Doggett agrees that good communication skills are essential. “A doctor should give their patients the time they need and deserve. They should answer questions using language that is clear, without using too much medical terminology. They should be honest, but also offer hope, even when a situation is difficult. And they should help their patients feel empowered to improve their own health,” Dr. Doggett explains.

Lisa Doggett博士也认为良好的沟通技巧是必不可少的。“医生应该给病人他们需要和应得的时间。他们应该用清晰的语言回答问题,不要使用太多的医学术语。他们应该诚实,但也要给人希望,即使是在困难的情况下。他们应该帮助他们的病人感到有能力改善自己的健康,”道格特博士解释说】

2. Good Doctors Are Organized And Conscientious【好医生是有组织的、有责任心的】

School children are taught from a young age to practice organization in order to be successful in school. And for good reason — one can’t succeed in medicine without presence of mind and being vigilant about details


“A doctor needs to make sure that her patients get recommended screening tests, that their questions are answered, and that patients have a clear plan of action upon leaving her office,” says Dr. Doggett. “She must be vigilant about following up on any tests that are done and communicating those results.”


3. Good Doctors Make Patients Feel Cared For【好医生让患者感到被照顾】

It doesn’t matter to patients if you were the top of your class, had a perfect GPA in medical school, or landed a prestigious residency. It doesn’t matter if you published award-winning journals or conducted ground-breaking research。


Patients want to feel that they are in good hands. What does it take to be a doctor who patients trust? A good physician knows how to make a patient feel as though they are being cared for, that their concerns are valid, and that they are being heard。


“Patients care more that their doctor actually cares for them than how many papers they've published,” says Dr. Edna Ma. “Caring can be in the form of active listening and asking open-ended questions.”

 Edna Ma博士说:“患者更关心的是他们的医生实际上关心他们,而不是他们发表了多少论文。”“关心可以表现为积极倾听和提出开放式问题”】

"The patient isn't just a list of medical problems and medications."


She goes on to explain that there are small things you can do to really make a patient feel valued. Things like asking questions about their job or family show them that you’re truly interested in them as a person. “The patient isn't just a list of medical problems and medications,” Dr. Ma says. “Even sitting during the conversation shows the patient they are a priority to the doctor.”


Making patients feel cared for is a way of building rapport and establishing good working relationships, another hallmark of a good doctor, Dr. Madden adds。


4. Good Doctors Are Curious【好医生充满好奇心】

When presented with be fuddling symptoms, a good doctor should allow their inherent curiosity to lead them to an accurate diagnosis, even if it means tapping into resources they don’t usually need to come to a diagnosis。


"A good doctor should be willing to work to figure out what is going on."


“If a patient presents with unusual and worrisome symptoms, a good doctor should be willing to work to figure out what is going on,” Dr. Doggett says. “That may require extra research, reaching out to colleagues, or taking more time to gather a detailed history from the patient.”


A good doctor will take the time to follow their curiosity and uncover the answers for their patient’s sake, rather than rushing to a diagnosis too quickly。


“Too many doctors are eager to make a diagnosis and be done with it,” Dr. Doggett says. “This leads to missed and incorrect diagnoses.”


5. Good Doctors Work Together To Support Patients【好医生齐心协力支持病人】

Just as a doctor needs to practice good communication with their patients, they also need it for relaying information across the health care system. This is especially true for doctors. When a patient goes to the hospital, their primary care physician often doesn’t learn of their visit unless they are informed by the patient or one of their family members


【这一点需要患者的健康档案支持,美国有PHR,中国也已经有dPHRPHR=Personal Health RecorddPHR=Digitalized PHR

“A good hospital-based doctor will call or sent a note to the primary care physician to let them know the patient has been admitted,” Dr. Doggett explains. “The primary care doctor should then make an effort to gather hospital records and offer timely follow-up after discharge.” Similarly, a good medical specialist will involve a patient’s primary care doctor in any diagnoses or treatments.



The best doctors understand that they are not a one-man show, but rather key players on the greater medical team. Being able to work well with others is imperative。


6. Good Doctors Advocate For Their Patients【好医生为病人辩护】

Good doctors do whatever it takes to help their patients with whatever their health care needs require. Whether that means helping them navigate the health care system by finding specialists, or acquiring the prescriptions they need, they should be willing to provide that support


"A good doctor will be a strong advocate for their patients."


“A good doctor will be a strong advocate for their patients,” Dr. Doggett says. She describes this as being willing to help patients get a prescription medicine approved, secure an urgent appointment for a test or with a specialist, enroll in a patient assistance program, or access necessary services like home health or physical therapy. The best doctors are willing to go the extra mile for their patients’ well-being.



7Good Doctors Have Great Bedside Manner【好医生对病人有很好的态度】

“What separates a good physician from a great one is their bedside manner,” Dr. Madden says. “Physicians should be personable, great listeners, and empathetic to the concerns of their patients. They should not be condescending or arrogant. They should treat others as they want to be treated。


"Physicians should be personable, great listeners, and empathetic to the concerns of their patients."

Dr. Doggett believes that a good bedside manner is critical to establishing a trusting relationship between a doctor and their patients. “A good doctor will be professional, kind, and compassionate to everyone, including patients, their families, colleagues, and staff,” she explains。


The Makings Of A Good Doctor【一个好医生的素质】

So what makes a good doctor? As you can see, there is no single ingredient. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to being a doctor. But practicing these qualities will help put you on the path to a successful career in medicine, according to Dr. Madden. He recommends medical students finding a mentor in the field who possesses qualities they’d like to emulate in their career。






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